Pause for a minute to let that sink in about how you would answer this question as an entrepreneur or business owner. Just about anyone who utilizes the interwebs will likely find that whether or not they intentionally organized an online marketing campaign purposely, they may already be marketing their products and services online.

Let’s see what strategies entrepreneurs may already be using for an online marketing campaign for their business web properties.

Unintentional Online Marketing Campaign Plan

I’m going to guess that you have a website for your business, right? If you answered yes then you are inadvertently marketing your products or services online just by having a website (some might say). A live website means there is the potential for prospects and customers to access what you may have to offer at any time of the day.

Are You Using An Online Marketing Campaign For Your Business

You may not be promoting your website actively but you may still find that it generates interest despite the lack of heavy promotional elements such as PPC (pay per click) or other forms of paid or even unpaid marketing.

If you are participating in social media or even forum message boards and including links to your website in your posts or signature, then you are already marketing online.

Experienced business owners or entrepreneurs realize the importance of participation in social media and industry related message boards to create an interest in their products and/or services, being of service to others within their industry and even writing blog posts and sharing them across their digital platforms.

However, some may not realize the importance of this and may already be enjoying other benefits of digital marketing which could be unintentionally getting great results from an online marketing campaign plan or other types of content that they enjoying making.

Your Online Marketing Campaign Uses SEO

Do you include keywords that are relevant to your business in the content of your blog posts? Entrepreneurs are also using online marketing on the web by optimizing their website for these keywords.

SEO for Online Marketing Campaigns

Search engine optimization (SEO) affects online properties whether or not they were even aware of the concept of keyword density or how it can help SEO of a website. 

Certain words will often be used depending on the type of products and services they offer because they may be natural to do so.

This can result in search engines increasing website rankings for these particular keywords. SEO can be more complex than simply using related keywords but entrepreneurs can benefit by using relevant keywords on their overall site. 

Getting Feedback Is Golden For Your Success

Are you asking for feedback from your prospects or customers online? This is another example of how entrepreneurs may be advertising their business on the interwebs. Most realize the importance of getting feedback from prospects or customers who offer products online might solicit feedback in online comments, surveys or even reviews.

Digital Marketing Online Marketing Campaign

This may be done simply for other purposes but since it’s done online makes it fall into the category of online marketing.

We’ve discussed several ways that entrepreneurs could be marketing online but what if they want a better online presence? They may already be marketing online but it might be time to launch a full-scale online marketing campaign.

This can be accomplished by hiring a digital marketing consultant to assist you in magnifying your brand message which is effective for your target audience. 

Andre L. Vaughn
Andre L. Vaughn

Andre L. Vaughn is a digital marketing content creator and author of "Social Media Simple Marketing" who helps creators and entrepreneurs magnify their brand message to generate leads that convert to sales. He's also a contributor at Addicted2Success, The Good MenProject & Thrive Global, and a graduate at the University of Missouri-St. Louis (B.S. Information Systems & B.S. Business Administration).

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