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Hashtags are used to distribute and find content about a host of different things online in particular social media platforms.

From my own research of hashtags there always seem to be a consistent constant with them:  underutilized, overutilized and not utilized at all.

With that said, some small business owners and content creators really don’t know how to use hashtags the proper way especially on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.

I’m only guessing because they are simply not doing it correctly.

Go and take a look at either Twitter, Instagram or Facebook to see exactly what I am talking about.

Many content creators do a not so good job at using hashtags.  At times it can really be hard to look at sometimes (at least for me).

Especially if you are a bit analytical about it and always look to help others as I enjoy doing.

Do I Learn How To Use Hashtags For Every Social Network?

In my opinion, you only need to learn how to use hashtags for the social media networks in which you frequent the most.

Let me rephrase what I said above:  learn how to use them for the important one or ones (plural).

Better yet, ONLY the effective platforms in which your business operates.

It makes absolutely no sense at all to learn about the Pinterest hashtag and you either are not using the platform or if it was never helping your business anyway.

Stick to what you know especially if you are already having success with it.

Quick and Easy Research on Social Media Networks

What better way of researching the usage of hashtags than by going to my own social media sites, huh?

Hey it might sound a little self centered but that isn’t the case at all.

Easy accessibility is the reason plus I’m the expert, guru, the social media dude, etc. right?

Ha, Ha…just having a little fun with you to keep your attention (and I really despise the labels of ‘expert and guru’…can’t stand it).

I actually practice what I preach (sort of) when it comes to most of the principles of hashtagging on social.

Or at least I try…for the most part.

Twitter Set The Standard

I’m assuming that you already know what Twitter is so I won’t give a thorough tutorial on it.

But please understand that the pound sign # or hashtag was first implementing years before Twitter.

Twitter was the first social media network to use hashtags (2007 San Diego forest fires).

And of course the rest is history…

Here are a few snapshots from my Twitter account that will give you a sense of how critical engagement is when using hashtags.

how to use hashtags for twitter engagement

Social media can sometimes be confusing if you are not willing to study it a bit.

In the Twitter example above, I used 4 hashtags and received 5 hearts or ‘likes’ but check out the image below.

how to use hashtags on twitter with no engagement

I used 3 hashtags but ZERO engagement…what happened?

It was simple to figure this one out.  It was the posting time of this any tweet which is why there wasn’t any engagement.

That’s one of the most important things in using social media to distribute content whether you are using hashtags or not.

Instagram’s Engagement Is Second To None

Using hashtags on Instagram is a game changer in terms of engagement.

When they are researched and used properly then your notifications on your mobile device will continue to buzz.

I didn’t use any ‘pound signs’ or #’s in my content below.

how to use instagram hashtags for no engagement

I got some engagement but not as nearly as the next one.

how to use instagram hashtags for engagement

I researched my hashtags or ‘keywords’ and used the maximum amount that Instagram will allow which is 30.

I received a bunch of likes and comments when I did it this way.

That’s not to say using 10 hashtags won’t get you some traction because it definitely can.

Not using them on IG is social media marketing failure and is not an option.

Shocked by My Facebook Findings!

I must say that Facebook hashtags were very surprising for me.

I learned they are really the ‘anti-hashtag’ platform even though you can use them on FB.

how to use facebook hashtags with no engagement

I used 4 hashtags and received ZERO likes. shares or comments.

Nada…Zilch…Nathan…Ha, ha…..

how to use facebook hashtags without engagement

I shared this one above and it even reached 112 people and 9 thumbs up!

I must also note the posting time was not a factor at all.

Compatible Findings For Hashtags

I recently found a great infographic about using hashtags for Twitter, Instagram and Facebook that I thought was phenomenal.

It’s from the co-founders of a branding and marketing blog called ThinkCreativeCollective Abagail Pumphrey & Emylee Williams.

I actually saw almost every similarity on the infographic in which I showed in my examples earlier in the post.

Check out what they have to say about how to use hashtags below.

Hashtag Infographic Do’s & Don’ts

How the Heck to Use a Hashtag #Infographic | Think Creative

This infographic was spot on and I learned a few things along the way as well.

What is your main social media platform that gives you the most engagement using hashtags?

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Andre L. Vaughn
Andre L. Vaughn

Andre L. Vaughn is a digital marketing content creator and author of "Social Media Simple Marketing" who helps creators and entrepreneurs magnify their brand message to generate leads that convert to sales. He's also a contributor at Addicted2Success, The Good MenProject & Thrive Global, and a graduate at the University of Missouri-St. Louis (B.S. Information Systems & B.S. Business Administration).

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